All you need to know about the 30-hour free childcare scheme

September on the horizon! As the leaves start to rustle and the familiar sound of school bells fills the air, Mums of school aged kids are gearing up for the big 'Back to School' transition. And with this exciting new chapter, those with younger children will be thinking about childcare. Fear not, dear Mums! CocoRio is here to guide you through the maze of options, and today, we're shining a spotlight on the UK Government's 30-hour free childcare scheme. Ready to dive in? Let's unravel this together!

The UK Government, in all its wisdom, has rolled out a fabulous offer: 30 hours of free childcare every week during the school term (that's 38 weeks a year, if you're counting) for our little champs aged between 3 and 4. And if you're thinking, "Well, I might not need all 30 hours every week," you can stretch it out over the entire year. Just remember, it's crucial to choose a government-approved provider. And once your kiddo steps into reception or reaches the official school age, this lovely scheme will bid adieu.

Now, eligibility might sound like a tricky word, but it's all about your work status, earnings, your child's age, any special circumstances, and your immigration status. And guess what? You can pair up this 30-hour treat with other goodies like Universal Credit, tax credits, childcare vouchers, or Tax-Free Childcare.

Income-wise, the general rule of thumb is that both you and your partner (if you have one) should be earning at least the equivalent of the National Minimum Wage or Living Wage for an average of 16 hours a week over the next three months.

And for our international Mums and Dads, as long as you have a National Insurance number, you're in the game. If you've got a partner, they'll need one too.

You can kickstart your online application when your little one is just 2 years and 36 weeks old. But remember, to keep this golden ticket active, you'll need to reconfirm your eligibility every three months.

Now, while CocoRio isn't part of this specific scheme, if you're looking for brilliant creative childcare outside of those 30 hours, we're your go-to! Our unique approach ensures your little ones are not only cared for but also engaged in enriching creative experiences.We're the only company that boasts a team of fully vetted Creative Professionals. From actors and musicians to artists and more, our creative nannies are a talented bunch! 

Every CocoRio session is a delightful dive into our unique CocoRio Learning Journey, which encompasses the magic of Music, Movement, Art, and Languages. So, when your child spends time with our creative nannies, you can be sure they're not just being looked after – they're being enriched, inspired, and empowered through creativity with all nanny duties included.

But that's not all. We understand that in today's ever-changing world, flexibility is key. That's why our services are designed to adapt to your needs. Whether you're looking for a part-time nanny or someone for those in-between times, we've got you covered. After all, why pay for a full-time nanny when your needs might be different?

Our purpose is clear and close to our hearts: Raising happier children for tomorrow.

So, Mums, after you've made the most of the 30-hour scheme, why not sprinkle in some CocoRio magic? For all the nitty-gritty details and to apply for the government scheme, pop over to the UK Government's official page on the 30-hour free childcare scheme. And always remember, whether it's for advice or exceptional childcare, CocoRio is always here, cheering you on every step of the way!


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